Saturday, January 22, 2011

TRY DIY: Red Wine Vinegar Toner

Red Wine Vinegar Toner

Red wine vinegar toner is one of the items that I found really helps to control the oiliness of my skin. 

Here is some background on my skin.  I have very oily, acne prone skin.  I have tried everything...and I do mean everything, to get my skin clear and the oilines controlled.  I realized that I needed something tailored to my skin.  That is when I discovered the wonders of red wine vinegar and the toner that can be made from it.

One website that helped tremendously when I was doing my research is Garden of Wisdom They also have a forum, but you have to sign up to be a member.  It is free.  Here is the link Garden of Wisdom forum 

Here is the recipe that I use taken from the GoW website: 

 To make 2 ounces:1/2 tsp vinegar to 2 oz liquid

To make 1 ounce:
1/4 tsp vinegar to 1 oz liquid

To make 1/2 ounce:
1/8 tsp to 1/2 ounce liquid

Liquid suggestions:
Steeped tea, hydrosol, distilled water, aloe juice, gel.

For the Red Wine Vinegar I used Spectrum Organic RWV from Vitacost.
For liquid I used distilled water.

I double the recipe and make it 4 oz at a time to be used after I wash my face.  If you are going to keep for longer than a week or two, you will need to add a preservative.

I am not affliated with these companies.  Products were paid for with my own money.  The review given is my honest opinion and not influenced by any one else.


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